martes, 5 de mayo de 2015


 The classroom is divided into groups.

- Group 1.

1. Look at the video about British symbols and traditions and elaborate 3 questions to be included in the final project of the course:  THE QUIZ

2.  Look at the physycal map about the United Kingdom and elaborate 3 questions to be included in the final project of the course: THE QUIZ

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello! I am Nadia of 1º eso.
    My questions are:
    1.Who colours represent the tudor rose or England´s rose?
    2.What tradicional party is celebrate the 31 of October in the night?

    oak / /// picture of a flag /// / police force of Buckingham palace

    fish and
    chips /// / picture of the Crown /// / real symbol

    tea / //// / picture of a oak /// /a jewel very important

    Crown of // / picture of fish // / nacional food
    St Edward // / and chips

    Beefeaters / picture of tea /English nacional drink

    the flag of / picture of
    the three lions / beefeaters / nacional tree

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello my name is Daniel!
    Muy questions are:
    Tell me une river of the United Kingdom?
    The Titanic was sank in the Indian Ocean.
    True or false?
    What is the name in Scotland of the "Lake"?

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
